ARC/Review Service Lite Booking




If you love the concept of NetGalley but can’t afford their prices or want more control over your listing, then you’ve come to the right place! We have a reader group of over 6,000 readers who love to read and review!

Please be sure to read all of the details on this page about how this service works; all of our policies on giving out Advanced Reader Copies are compliant with both US Law and all vendors’ Terms of Service.

Our service DOES include:

A post made to our group offering your book free with hopes of a review. We do not require them to review. Reviewing is optional to stay in compliance with Amazon TOS.

Important Note on Amazon’s Terms of Service: “Book authors and publishers may continue to provide free or discounted copies of their books to readers, as long as the author or publisher does not require a review in exchange or attempt to influence the review.” Source

Our service does NOT include:

- The reviews themselves

- Any guarantees on the number of reviews you will receive

- Refunds for poorly performing titles

Want to ask other authors about the service before trying it? You can do so here .


Q: Am I paying for reviews?

A: No, we are not a pay for review service, and we don’t recommend using them, but we’re not gonna lecture you about that. Our service is the same in nature as NetGalley, which means you are NOT paying for reviews. As stated above, you are only paying for the ability to offer your book free for review to readers in our reader group who are known to review titles they like. We do not require them to review, we do not have requirements on what kind of reviews they leave when they do review, and we do not promise you will get reviews.

Q: Will I get any bad reviews?

A: We can’t see the future so can’t answer that. You will get whatever reviews the reviewers you select leave for you. We have no hand in the tone or rating of those reviews or if they even get posted at all. We do not remove readers from our group from not reviewing, and we do not condone authors harassing or incentivizing any of the readers in our group to get them to leave reviews. Our reviewers are encouraged to leave honest reviews ONLY, if they choose to review.

How The Service Works


  • You fill out the form with ALL requested information. Your booking can only be honored if you submit ALL relevant information at the time of booking.
  • We schedule your offer to go live on the date requested
  • Readers will submit their request for a review copy directly to YOU.
  • YOU distribute the copies.
  • YOU follow up with the readers to let them know where they can review if they choose to do so.



Our readers are drawn in by top-of-the-line book covers. Authors with “cover candy” can see up to 10x as many review copy requests.

Keep your blurb SHORT and PUNCHY. Long-winded blurbs see 33% less requests.

USE BOOKSPROUT (BookSprout is a Paid Service). If you don't have BookSprout, follow the instruction below for using a Google Form instead (Google Forms are Free to Use).

Use a Google Form to gather requests rather than posting an InstaFreebie or BookFunnel link. It will make it easier for you to decide which reviewers are the best match for you as well as to follow up with them later.

Include a question on your form where the reader can submit a link to the reviewer profile. This can be a great way to determine who you want to send your limited copies to. For example, if you only intend to give out 10 copies, and you write romance, you may want to skip requests coming from those whose reviews are primarily for horror. You are not obligated to send a free copy to someone just because they request it.

Wait SIX WEEKS before sending the follow up email with the link readers will need to post their review if they are planning to do so. This prevents them from feeling nagged with repeated requests while also giving the majority as much time as possible to have a chance to read.

Do NOT email these readers more than once. They only need to be told one time where to post a review.

Do NOT email them demanding they review. It is THEIR CHOICE if they want to review. Do not shame, harass, trash talk, or inconvenience these readers in any way.

Do NOT ask them to make changes to their review or delete their reviews. These reviewers are HONEST, and you need to go into this expecting their honest feedback.

How YOU handle the review distribution and follow up is up to YOU, and YOU are 100% responsible for that. Please familiarize yourself with all vendors' Terms of Service to make sure you stay aboveboard and inline with their recommendations for best practices.

Remember: You’re not buying reviews. Your payment is to cover our time and access to our readers, and what you offer and how you handle the offer is YOUR responsibility. There are no refunds unless we fail to make the post on your scheduled date. Payment is for our posting ONLY and does not cover distribution, follow up, or reviews.

The ARC Review LITE is good for 5-10 reviews on average

We do not guarantee number of reviews as that is depending on your product, but with our PREMIUM SERVICE we guarantee 100 reviewer REQUESTS and will continue to share your Review Request form until you hit that number of reviewer requests.  This is NOT included with ARC Review Lite. With ARC Review Lite, your offer will be shared once.

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