Shadows of Salem screenshots have been adjusted to reflect current ownership of the series.  The images shown above are screen captures from the publicly available New York Times & USA Today bestseller lists. You can view the original listings by clicking on the images.

While Rebecca is currently the rights owner of the title and Rebecca handled the marketing of this title at the time it listed, it listed before the inception of the List Aiming service. She now continues the series with USA Today bestselling author Heather Marie Adkins.

Here is another of Rebecca's titles, cowritten with Miranda Brock, that hit the USA Today bestseller list in 2020.
Below, you'll find Tricia Barr's Shifted - this image is of a title Rebecca did a List-Aiming package for in 2018/2019. Tricia's title, Shifted, was a beta test run of the service listed above.
“Rebecca Hamilton is THE marketing expert for indie speculative fiction. She walked me through, step-by-step, how to hit the USAT list with my book Shifted in Jan 2019, and I can honestly say there's no way I and my coauthors would have made it without her sage instructions. That coupled with all I have learned from her about release strategies, FB ad creation and writing technique have set me on the right path to being a well-known name in the industry, and I love her 3000 ❤" 

- Tricia Barr,
USA Today Bestselling Author

The below boxed sets also hit bestseller lists under the marketing management of Rebecca Hamilton prior to the launch
of Rebecca’s formal list aiming service listed on this site.
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